Boise AC Repair

This blog is about dirty coils and how they steal your money.  Your ac unit has 2 coils, these coils are responsible for removing heat.  The first coil is the outdoor coil.  This coil removes the heat from the Freon so that it can be turned back into a liquid.  Then it can be reused to cool your home.  This coil often get plugged up with dirt and debris.  When this happens it makes the unit think that it is much hotter outside than it really is. This is due to not moving enough air across the coil to do its job efficiently.  This coil should be cleaned at least once per year using a hose and light detergent.    This will clear the surface as well as the middle of the coil so air can now flow freely.

Indoor Coil

The second of these coils is the indoor coil it usually sits under your furnace.  The main job of this coil is to remove the heat from your home by evaporating the Freon into a gas thus picking up the heat in the air and cooling it.  This coil often gets clogged with dirt, hair and skin that might pass through your cheaper filters.  When this happens it leaves a blanket of yuck in which the air cannot pass through.  The result is very low air flow and usually freezing up of the coil.  This coil is much harder to clean and should only be done by a professional.  The best way to do this is to remove the coil from the box, clean it with a good chemical and reinstall the coil.


In both cases is the ac unit will use a lot more energy than it would normally and will cool the house much less.  Thus resulting in higher power bills and lower comfort.  Listed are pictures of a recent Boise ac repair to give you an idea of how they look clean and dirty.  If you have any questions regarding your AC unit, please give us a call anytime at 208 938-2000.  Have a great day and “Stay Cool”

boise ac repair

clogged condenser coil

boise ac repair

ac repair in Boise

boise ac repair

dirty indoor coil

boise ac repair

cleaned indoor coil

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