oday on the ac repair Boise blog, we will talk about getting your unit serviced. To prevent an ac repair in Boise! At Value Heating Inc. we pride ourselves on providing you only what you need, not what some salesman thinks you need. The best way to prevent an ac repair in Boise is to get it cleaned and checked every 2 years. Doing this allows a qualified technician to clean and inspect all the components of your system.
What We Do
We check your Freon level, amp draw, temperature difference to help keep your unit working efficiently. Tighten wire connections in your unit as well as your disconnect (a common repair). We clean out your electrical compartment and check/replace your filters (we have most common sizes on our trucks). This keeps the air in your home cleaner as well as keeping your system clean. The 2nd most common ac repair Boise is your capacitors. We check each capacitor to make sure it is reading what it should. These are not very expensive parts but can cause serious and costly damage if not corrected. Most of these now come from China (need I say more) so they regularly go bad. I have seen many an ac repair Boise, where another company has condemned a $2000 compressor when the only real issues was a faulty capacitor costing as little as $40.
Prevention is Cheap
For $85 plus filters, you can assure that your unit is doing it’s very best for your family’s comfort. Most a/c units last about 16 to 20 years if properly serviced and can even last longer if taken care of. Don’t let some slick salesman tell you you need a new a/c unit Boise just because it is 10 years old or so. Make the right choice to prevent ac repair Boise, call the experts at Value Heating Inc. we provide “AFFORDABLE COMFORT” and have for over 12 years now. Call us today at 208 938-2000
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