Freon ®

On a recent ac repair Boise I was asked about the increase cost of refrigerant (also commonly known as Freon ®).  I thought I could write a bit to explain and educate about a refrigerant recharge.  Refrigerant is needed if your system becomes low on runs out.  This can happen for a few reasons, you have developed a leak in the system so it now has less refrigerant that it use to.  Someone had adjusted it because they thought it had to much due to other issues you where having.  Or even just that it is an older system and has been checked and serviced alot over the years.  If your unit needs a recharge because of a leak, it is VERY important to repair the leak first.  This will help ensure that you do not loose this expensive item again.  If you have an older system and it has been serviced alot over the years you may need a recharge simply because every time we attach our gauges to your system it will loose some Freon ®.  Because of this over time you will loose a little bit at a time until finally you are low enough to need a recharge on that system.

Freon ®

an r22 recharge Boise Idaho

Refrigerant Cost

As for cost for refrigerant r22 recharge.  If your system uses R-22 (Freon ® ), the most common type then it is going to be expensive.  Our government is limiting the amount of r22 that companies can make and lowers that amount every year.  This is causing a supply and demand effect that has increased the cost of r22 over 600% this year alone.  That being said there is no reason to over pay for it.  At the time this blog was written the average price for a pound of r22 should be about $200-$250.  Do not pay more for the first pound either.  Why should the first pound cost any more than any other pounds.  This is a common trick to get you to pay more for something than you really should.  Pay close attention to what the Tech tells you, the amount of r22 your system takes is written on the model number tag.  This way if your tag says 5 pounds they shouldn’t be charging you for 6 pounds.  As always if it seems to expensive it never hurts  to get a second opinion on an ac system recharge Boise!


Dupont’s r-22

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