Today on AC Repair Boise we talk about capacitors, why they fail, what they do and how to prevent them from causing an ac repair Boise for you.


Most ac units have at least 2 or 3 capacitors in them.  A capacitor works to split the phase of electricity to cause a rotating effect in a motor to get it to start.  They are usually filled with oil of different types to allow for heat absorption.  The purpose of the capacitor is to help get your motor running and to keep it running.  When your capacitor blows out you now have another ac repair Boise to work on.

There are several ways to tell if your capacitor is bad.  the first would be visual, usually when a larger capacitor blows it will be swollen on the top and bottom as if it exploded from the inside.  A better way to check would be to use a capacitor checker or olhm meter to check the capacitance of the capacitor.


Each motor in your system will have it’s own capacitor.  So your indoor fan motor, your outdoor fan motor and your compressor all have a capacitor.  Sometimes your outdoor fan motor and compressor will have what is called a duel capacitor (meaning it has 2 in one).  These are the most common to blow and cause an ac repair Boise.

One of the ways you can tell it may be your capacitor is that when you turn on your a/c the outside parts just hums and nothing turns on.  This is due to the fact that neither motor can start so they hum and then overheat and shut down.  Usually just replacing this easy part will fix your ac repair Boise and be back and running in no time.  On occasion trying to run your ac for to long with this issue can cause your motor or your compressor to go bad creating a much more serious ac repair Boise than originally was there.

A normal capacitor for a fan runs around $36, and for a compressor or duel about $74 plus the service call, and can be repaired in a matter of minutes.  For this and all of your ac repair Boise call your experts at Value Heating Inc. or visit our “home” page for more advice and money saving tips.

ac repair Boise capacitor

duel capacitor on an ac repair Boise

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